Saturday 30 April 2011

Brand Identity

Throughout the 3 products i have created, I wished to keep the band image very simple, and have attempted to create a uniformity between them. For example, similar fonts are used in the logo to that of the information booklet and album poster. This is continued with the contrast of light and dark, seen in the white font against black background, streetlights in the dark and the black and white effect placed on the music video. Another way to keep a simple image was to create an anonymous band, not including an image of them in the booklet or promotional material, and not filming their faces in the video. This is to make the band almost seem humble, and not interested about fame or success, and only create music for the sake of good music. Bands that hold these views tend to be aimed at those who aim to be rebellious and reject pop sensibilities, such as the traditional Stars that Dyer notes in his theory. These individuals are usually aged in their late-teens/early-twenties, the central demographic for my target audience.

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